Ships in Star Citizen may be purchased either with real cash, or in-game currency UEC. Saving up to buy a dream ship is currently one of the best money sinks, whilst the core mechanics of the game continue to be fleshed out.

There are three locations where you can buy a ship:

  1. New Deal in Lorville, Hurston
  2. Astro Armada in Area 18, ArcCorp
  3. Crusader Industries Showroom in Orison, Crusader

Most of the ships tend to be in New Deal, but you might need to head to one of the other stores depending on what you are looking for. Focus maintains a easy to use list which shows the prices and locations for each ship.

You can purchase the Prospector at New Deal on Lorville. New Deal is pretty easy to find since its located near the ASOP terminals where you store and claim your ship

New Deal Near ASOP
New Deal Near ASOP

Head over to New Deal

New Deal
New Deal

Locate the terminal and purchase the Prospector for around 2M UEC. Once purchased head back to the ASOP terminal and claim the ship. It will appear immediately after purchase.

New Deal Terminal
New Deal Terminal